“City View gave me the opportunity to research a nuclear disaster as well as having a job shadow at the University of Iowa’s radiation sciences day.”
“City View has understood my passion and has pulled every string possible to help me get closer to my dream and better understand it. City View has helped me explore my passion by supporting me in getting an internship with someone with experience in the medical field and even start projects that are similar to my dream.”
“One of my favorite things I got to do was go to the Maquoketa Caves and apply what we were learning in Biology. We were able to identify different types of fungus we learned about in class.”
“My advice to incoming City View students would be to just do the thing, find something you’re interested in and do it. Completing a passion project is infinitely more satisfying and fulfilling than score well on a test.”
“One of my favorite experiences is my internship at aroma pizza. It is one of my favorites because I did most of the work to get it. I contacted the business myself and when I had my interview they were surprised I had a resume which teachers at city view helped me make.”