City View
Community High School
501 1st Street SE Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 | 319-558-2093
A message from our principal

Welcome to City View Community High School’s website! At City View we believe in competency-based, community-embedded learning that brings real-world projects and internships to the forefront of our students’ experiences. Our students don’t just earn credits – they develop the agency and resilience to lead their own learning and shape their future and our community.
By immersing you in authentic, community-connected work, we challenge you to dive deep, collaborate effectively, and produce meaningful results. We’re here to help you build skills that matter, not just for graduation, but for life.
I invite you to explore our unique approach and see how City View fosters curiosity, reliability, a sense of purpose and community. We look forward to helping you thrive and create an impact that extends well beyond our school walls.
Adam Zimmermann